Preparing for some Major Changes

The updates so far have mostly been small, incremental patches, and that includes the last one.  But its time for a shift in that approach, starting with a major AI overhauls, one that will move away from NavMeshes and NavMeshAgents towards simpler, more flexible, and more retro approach involving vectoring and responding to the environment.  The NaveMeshAgents are turning out to be very limiting with their tendency to crash the game if even not on a NavMesh and generally not mixing well with other approaches -- so they may very well be replaced entirely, or if not only used for a few select mobs that either don't need more complex behavior.

After that...?  Not completely sure, but perhaps some for of cave like room and subthemes (one of which would be cave orient, thus they would come together).

Will these be separate or will I hold off and have them appear togethers?  Don't know, but leaning toward the latter.  The free version was never intended for more that a preview of early development, mostly in search of feedback.  I can't just keep having tiny updates, none of which justify changing (adding) a price on their own while inching toward the point I would want to charge

Anyway, more flexible behavior is one of the I've wanted to do before expanding the cast of enemies, and even the ones their now would benefit from less predictable behavior -- there was a time when games had monsters swarm toward the player in random zig-zagging patterns, and that is what I want to have as the norm here, not a bunch lined up in single file as they walk into gunfire.

Files 672 MB
Version 1.1.7 Mar 27, 2022 652 MB
Version 0.0-indev-17 Feb 22, 2022 672 MB
Version 0.0-indev-17 Feb 22, 2022

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