Music is Here!

OK, version 1.1.4 involves just one thing, the addition of a soundtrack.  Yes, I do have an original soundtrack, too (there are advantages to have more interests than you can keep up with).  Most of these track were actually written years ago for a different project that was abandoned, but that meant they were conveniently available now!  I just had to search my old back-up CDs for the music; some of those old tracks were actually pretty bad, but I made a point to only use the good ones.   Level one always starts with the "Thrashing Theme," after which they are on random playback (but only one will loop throughout a given level).  A variety of thrilling, spooky, eerie, and triumphant tunes were included -- by which I mean six:

  1. Thrashing Theme
  2. Dark Beauty
  3. Eerie Theme
  4. Ominous Theme
  5. Militaristic Theme
  6. Minisymphony, Movement I (Rock Arrangement)

...yeah, the first five are from the old project, which was similar but as a mod rather than game, while the last wasn't really written as game music, but it seemed to work, so I added it.

Files 652 MB
Version 32 Mar 21, 2022 672 MB
Version 13 Mar 21, 2022

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