Its getting Steamy in here...

Within the next few days Caverns of Evil should be on Steam, assuming it passes the review process.  Was I ready for this? Have I gone too far too fast?  Possibly.  The seriousness of setting up and acting as an official business really hit home as I went through the process of setting everything up for Steam.  I'm not sure I really want to act as a business, at least not for software, but what's done is done and hopefully it will be for the best.  If nothing else I have a better appreciation for what is involved and an understanding the whole process entails.

Am I charging the right prices?  Well, had this already existed -- available from some other developer -- and I knew about it before I started making it, I would happily have paid twice as much for it.  But then, I may be biased, not so much in way people might think, but simply through the fact I wanted a game like this enough to actually make it.  Still, it will not be free on Steam, and it would not be fair to have different prices on different sites.

Really trying to treat this as a real professional project now, however, did require some improved presentation -- some more pic and a better trailer (though internet compression seems to have made it not nearly as good as it was).

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