One Last Fix

While this is basically done -- adding much more would make the file size too big for Itch.  However, there were some bug fixes and improvements that were lost the last time the t-pose-on-death bug came up (which can only be fixed by deleting everything and copying in a back-up which is always days to weeks out fo date due to the storage needed for the backups).

* Fixed animations, especially for the archer, again.

* The player will not be quite so ammo-starved in later levesl (after 8 is where you'll really notice it).

Not sure about anything else.

This probably is the real last update.

I've said I wan't to learn Unreal Engine -- not just use one engine because it all I know so have no way of knowing if the best thing for the project -- perhaps Caverns of Evil II could be a good learning project for that.  Perhaps I could get farther, do better, and maybe put it on steam where my file sizes would seem tiny.  But not right away, no, not too soon -- I need a break first, and probably do some other project before another iteration of this idea.

Files 652 MB
Version 1.1.0 Mar 13, 2022 672 MB
Version 1.1.0 Mar 13, 2022

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