Alpha, and a freeze and major systems / core features

Added  some art under the start screen and abandoned a lot of plans that crept in as a result of "feature creep" (or just dreaming too big) early in development.

I'm now calling this alpha.  I don't plan on adding any major features or changing the core of how things work.  Any further additions will likely be new mobs.  This was always supposed to be a small, simple game -- a chance to shoot some monsters, find your way through the levels, and see how far you can get before you die.  I was never intended to be a huge or long-lasting project project.

I suppose I wouldn't be totally against an options pages or help pages down the line.

Frankly, I'm getting tired of this project, while some bad design early in development are also making it hard to make any big changes or new systems.  So, some dreamed-up features dropped from the plans this is now alpha -- and if I decide after a while I'm done with adding mobs it could be beta and release as well.

EDIT: I could be said their is a paradox at the core of what this game is supposed to be.  In many ways it was conceived as something that core gamer could play casually, to have some quick fun, kill some time, or take out some frustration, when they don't have a lot of time I don't want to get caught up in a more elaborate game at the that moment.  Something challenging and entertaining but simple, something with simple old-school first person shooting and no bigger goal.  Something that could be played casually while steering well clear of feeling like a casual game.  I think it can work well for that.

Files 652 MB
Version 0.1.0 Mar 03, 2022 672 MB
Version 0.1.0 Mar 03, 2022

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