Time for a (very tentative) roadmap / wishlist...

The following enhancement are included in this update (hopefully):

* Stormbow should no longer ever start out firing when selected

* Wand of Fire now has buffed AoE that bends around obstacles in the same room (much like how hearing is simulated)

* Less extreme size progression, tied to difficulty progression

* HOPEFULLY have ceiling overhangs meshing -- and hopefully meshing correctly...?

Road Map / Wishlist

Since it has come up, here are my current plans for this game:


* A Campaign Mode (to officially beat the game)


* Help Screen

* Start Screen Art

* An Installer


* More Mobs / More Interesting Mobs

* Better Mob Behavior / More Varied: proper flying, maneuvering instead of just rush the player, jumping up one-high steps, etc.

* Fix Generation Problems created Porting from Java

* Add Actual Caverns / Caves

* Maybe: other similar special areas with different architecture (like sub-divided room-sets)

* Maybe: Sub-Themes, where rooms around a certain hub room would be a different but related theme


* Doors, Locks, Switches (like Doom key quests, as called in Oblige)

* Ladders, Stairs, and / or Lifts

* Bosses and Boss Levels for Campaign Mode

* A Save-and-Exit option to allow player to complete campaign mode without having to do it all at once (This would replace the "Quit" option in the loading screen.)

* Perhaps make some pillars "fancy" (mesh based) pillars instead of always being square

* Possibly (but increasing turning against it) has some (generally smaller) rooms be decorated with props as an alternative to the usual wall/pit/platform/pool based internal room geometry


Known Bugs to Hopefully Squash

(in no particular order and with no particular priority)

* Goblin champions knocking player character into the air (could be an interesting special attack for something, but not intended behavior here)

* Player gets stuck on 4 inch high steps off ice if moving too slow and must jump

* Glitchy texture where a wall for one room and platform for another overlap and z-fight (very rare now, but can still be found)

* An un-meshed section of wall was recently found (-- ugghhh, I thought I had that working right months ago)

* Despite a recent attempt fix the problem by despawning mobs in invalid location, the rare occurrence of a mob inside a wall still occurs

...I should probably find some kind of bug tracking system in stead of relying entirely on my own observations while playing (and hoping to remember when I'm done).

Well, that was a lot...


caverns-of-evil-win.zip 652 MB
Version 0.0-indev-14 Feb 18, 2022
caverns-of-evil-linux.zip 494 MB
Version 0.0-indev-14 Feb 18, 2022


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Thank you for the roadmap! Excited to see these implemented.